Saturday, September 24, 2011

Poolside Masterpiece

What better to have by your pool than a Alexander Calder stabile from 1963?

Amazing. And it fits so serenely with the sleek pool, closely cropped grass, manicured hedges, and modern furniture. A lovely setting for a beautiful work.

Image of the backyard of Jane and Marc Nathanson's 1920s LA home designed by Richard Hallberg. From the April 2007 Architectural Digest, Photographer: John Ellis.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Drizzly Days

Today I took a quick trip to Massachusetts, enjoying the road trip in sunny weather. Tonight, back in the city, I walked home on the High Line in the rain as night fell, enjoying that equally as much.

entry via MFAMB

While I love my apartment in the city, I certainly hope to one day knock off my rain boots in an entrance as lovely as this one. With the stone floors, fabulous door with expansive panes of glass, and incredible garden outside, it looks like heaven. Can you imagine how relaxing it would be to walk down that lush, manicured path everyday into your home? It certainly would be a dream for me!

Image via Coco + Kelley, original source Unknown

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pouring On the Style

I'm a total sucker for grey rooms, and this one adds a double-dose with the light walls and darker moldings. Using a deeper color for the trim brings so much attention to the architecture of the house and defines the beautiful windows in an elegant, yet subtle, way.

And truly, I'm doing backflips for those orange pitchers. Obsessed! I want a collection of my own...

Image of Geoffrey Ross and John Dransfield's home in Long Island via Elle Decor January 2006. Featuring both American chairs and a Moorish console that date to the 19th century, an antique papier-mâché mask from 1910, and Dransfield and Ross linens; Photographer: William Waldron.

Window Shopping

Apparently my mind and my wallet are not on the same page at the moment, as all of my must-haves for this season are quite...Luxurious.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Embracing Autumn

Gorgeous examples of how to wear neutrals in Fall...

NYFW S/S2012 Lauren Remington Platt

By layering khaki hues with tones of rich browns and blacks, and accessorizing with gold jewelry, bright whites, and a hint of print.

Totally perfect for these September days that gently oscillate from crisp and cool to sunny and warm.

Image one via Citizen Couture, Photographer: Jason Jean; Images two through four via The Sartorialist, Photographer: Scott Schuman.

Bedroom Envy

Waking up here, under these crisp white sheets with a terrace right outside, would be pretty great...Not to mention having fabulous sky-high ceilings and windows to match.

And, how lucky, it's available! The room is in a townhouse from 1845 currently for sale a block away from my apartment. Does anyone have $21,000,000 I could borrow?

Image via Sotheby's seen via RDuJour
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